Inspiring Furtures through Learning Multi Academy Trust are the admissions authority for Holmwood School. However, all admission applications for reception year are co-ordinated through Milton Keynes City Council. Information about school admissions in Milton Keynes can be found on their website here.
Parents of children starting school for the first time (Reception) must apply online via the Milton Keynes Council Citizen Portal. The deadline to apply for a place is usually mid-January, prior to the September start.
Applying for a school place – Starting school for the first time
If your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020 they will be due to start school in September 2024.
You must apply online by the closing date (15th January 2024). If you do not apply by the deadline your child will not be considered until after all those who applied on time. This may adversely affect the chance of your child being offered a place.
School place offer dates
For applications received before 15 January 2024 the national offer day is 16 April 2024.
If you applied online, you can log into the Citizen Portal to find out what school place has been offered. An email will be sent to you confirming the details (please note, emails will be sent out throughout the day). If you sent a paper application you will be sent a letter. We have no control over how long the post will take to reach you.
Allocation of Places
The council will inform you on the National Offer Day (16th April 2024) to confirm which school your child has been allocated for September.
If it has not been possible to allocate a place at your preferred school you will be advised on how you can appeal against that decision.
For information the over-subscription criteria which applies to this school is shown below.
Places are allocated at this school in line with Milton Keynes Council’s admissions criteria subject to parents/carers completing and returning an application form and taking into account the class size limits for pupils aged 5, 6 or 7 at Key Stage 1.
Children who have a Statement of Special Education Needs will be given priority for admission with the normal admission round for children starting school for the first time (Reception) or at 7+ (Year 3).
Where there is oversubscription the following criteria will be used to allocate places.
In the event of over-subscription places will be allocated in distance order, using the distance between the child’s normal home address and the school’s main entrance, using the shortest appropriate route.
* Defined Area for Holmwood School
Great Holm: | Crownhill: |
Catchment Area shared with Loughton Manor First School: |
All of Great Holm |
Atwell Close Beckinsale Grove Chaplin Grove Chevalier Grove Cogan Court Cruikshank Grove Fernan Dell Gallagher Close Garbo Close Garland Court Hathaway Court Hendrix Drive Hudson Lane Keaton Close Kinnear Close Laurel Close Orbison Court Rathbone Close Robson Close Valens Close Valentine Court |
Anglesey Court Basildon Court Buscot Place Edgecote Fenton Court Haddon Hampton Houghton Court Huntingbrook Kensington Drive (numbers 89-138) Lamport Court Rushton Court Stonor Court Waddesdon Close |
Changes in your circumstances
Please make sure that the information you provide when you apply for a school place is correct. If you move address this could affect your application. You must let the Education Access Team know as soon as possible so they can reconsider your application.
If your move means you are no longer in the defined area then you may wish to change your preference.
You will need to write to the Education Access Team giving your new address and attaching a copy of your council tax bill as proof and confirming which school/s (to a maximum of three) you would like your child considered for.
If you are moving within Milton Keynes and want to apply for a different school place, you must apply online via the Milton Keynes Council Citizen Portal providing up to four preference schools. Information about in-year transfers and school admissions in Milton Keynes can be found here.
When completing the application, ensure that all information has been completed correctly and no information missed. Any mistakes could affect your application.
For in-year applications, an offer is based on what is available at the time of application. Often the most popular schools are full and it is advisable to include your catchment school.
Parents can state up to four preferences on the application form. If it is not possible to offer a place at any of your preferred schools, Milton Keynes Council will approach the school nearest to your home address with a vacancy to request a place.
Processing of applications
Milton Keynes Council aim to process your application within 15 school days, (excluding weekends and school holidays). Once a decision has been made, if an email address has been provided on the application form, the outcome will be emailed to you. If not, the outcome will be sent to you via second class post.
What happens next?
Once you receive an offer you must contact the school within 10 school days to accept the place or you must contact the school admissions team to decline the offer. If you do not make contact Milton Keynes Council will assume you do not want the school place and they will withdraw the offer.
If your application has been declined, find out how to appeal or join the waiting list. The timetable for appeals follows the MK council timeline which can be found here.
Admission Arrangments
Admissions Arrangments 2024 - 2025
Admissions Arrangments 2025 - 2026
Admission Appeals for places in Reception September 2024
Following National Offer Day on Tuesday 16th April 2024, if you named Holmwood School as one of your preferences and were uncuccessful, you have a right to appear against the decision to an independent apeak panel. Please email to request an appeal form. Our Admission Appeals Timeline for pupils starting in Reception in September 2024 provides further information.
Education Access Team – Contact details
Civic Offices
1 Saxon Gate East
Central Milton Keynes
Telephone 01908 253338