Pupil Premium Report 2024-2027
Holmwood School and Nursery is committed to developing the whole child. In partnership with
parents and other family members, we aim to create a deep rooted trust that together, every child will achieve their full potential. It is a whole school approach, beginning right from the start
with our Nursery children. All staff are empowered and accountable for our pupil premium pupils. It is always a key focus for the senior leadership team. Our strategy is always excellent High Quality Teaching, shared high expectations and robust systems, followed with bespoke, and targeted support, with the main aim being that these children must leave us on an equal footing to everyone else, they must be junior school ready, confident and resilient enough for the challenges they will face in the next chapter of their lives. We tackle any barriers head on from entry so that we engage early with issues, build trust quickly and start immediately in providing any support necessary. High expectations and consistency of progress and achievement for all pupils is embedded throughout our school and this is enhanced further ensuring Pupil Premium is used to maximum effect.
Whole School Level (Tier 1):
• Our School motto and curriculum aims celebrates the diverse make up of all members of our school community
• Our whole school offer is based on academic research and several years of embedding sound, widely recognised programmes, ensuring quality first teaching for all
• Every child is a reader
• Curriculum enrichment is a large part of our provision. We offer a real variety of experiences from a very young age, encompassing visitors to school, visits out of school, near and far. Days dedicated to celebrate sport, dance, art, festivals and cultures, days spent outdoors and days spent with members of our elderly community
• Parental engagement is key to providing a positive and nurturing environment in which our Pupil Premium pupils can achieve their potential
Targeted Approach (Tier 2):
• Early intervention and targeted learning support are central to our strategy for closing the attainment gaps
• Right from entry to the nursery or school, our pupils receive specific, closing the gap interventions such as 1:1 RWInc support, School Start for speech, Talking partners for confidence, basic skills teaching for maths and writing, Play therapy, Lego therapy, Drawing and Talking for addressing trauma, self-esteem and well-being support. These are run by highly experienced Teaching Assistants or teachers and very well supported by the SENDco
Bespoke provision for individual pupils (Tier 3):
• Whilst we believe that pupil premium children benefit greatly from quality first teaching and this impacts the wider school, it is also necessary to specifically tailor need to individual pupils, in addition to, and in different ways from other interventions
• Our Pastoral Lead and our Family and Children support Lead provides other specific support dependent on need, for example attendance and punctuality issues for individuals
• No one child is the same and this is reflected in the wide variety of ways pupil premium is used, the provision provided ensures we are working to ‘narrow the gap’ and any other more creative interventions, which will influence academic achievement and/or enhance their social and emotional wellbeing, will be sought.