Friends of Holmwood (FOH)
We are the ‘Friends of Holmwood’ Association (FOH). We organise events throughout the year to fundraise for the school. All parents are automatically members of FOH; however, we are always looking for more active members who are willing to meet regularly and lend a helping hand!
Our aims include:
- Encouraging social contact amongst parents and between parents and school staff
- Fundraising for the benefit of the children at Holmwood
A committee is elected at the AGM which is held during the first half term of the academic year. The committee always welcomes additional support and help. If you would like to become an active member of FOH, please let us know directly, or alternatively speak with the school office. Our current committee is made up of:
- Laura Whittle – Chair
- Jess Murphy – Vice Chair
- Gemma McGlue – Treasurer
Examples of resources that the school has benefitted from in the past:
- The Kaleidoscope Room is now fully furnished with carpet, painted walls, lights, coat pegs, capes, blankets and many other resources. Children use the room regularly.
- Digging pits for the Reception children
- Forest Fun clothing for the adults
- Six new digital cameras for the children to use
- Lots of new books for the library
- Financial support with planned school trips
- £100 worth of Golden Time toys for each class to use on Fun-time Friday!
We are currently raising funds for IT resources.
You can also help support the FOH by using the following link when shopping on-line as this also raises donations for us.
Our usual events throughout the year include:
Autumn 1
- Bake Sale
- Film and popcorn event
- Fireworks Display (in conjuncton with Two Mile Ash School)
- Disco
- Colour run (sponsered event)
Autumn 2
- Bake sale
- Film and popcorn event
- Christmas Grotto
Spring 1
- Film and Popcorn
- Bake sale
- Disco
Spring 2
- Easter Egg Raffle
- Bale sale
- Disco
Summer 1
- Kings Coronation Fayre (Held at Two Mile Ash School)
- Sponsored Athlete event
Summer 2
- Summer Fayre
- End of Year Discos
- Film and Popcorn event